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LMS platform

Your first steps to explore the system

  • Our implementation guides will teach how to use the VR therapy system and other platforms

  • We have a range of automated CBT questionnaires at your disposal

  • You can create your own learning materials and grant access to other users



Discussion Board



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🔹 Basic level

Welcome to PsyTechVR! This required introductory course will guide you through our learning path, helping you understand how to navigate the platform, set up therapy and relaxation scenes, and optimize your experience.

You’ll also hear from our co-founder, Danil Andreev, about upcoming enhancements in 2025, including expert-led courses and CE credits.

Meta Quest (VR headset)
VR training

🔹Basic level

This course is a comprehensive guide to setting up and optimizing your Meta Quest VR headset. Whether you're a first-time user or looking to fine-tune your setup, you'll learn the essential steps for a seamless VR experience.

PICO (VR headset)
VR training

🔹Basic level

This course is your essential guide to setting up and optimizing your Pico VR headset. Whether you're new to virtual reality or looking to enhance your experience, this step-by-step guide will help you get the most out of your Pico device.

🔹 Basic level

Welcome to PsyTechVR! This required introductory course will guide you through our learning path, helping you understand how to navigate the platform, set up therapy and relaxation scenes, and optimize your experience.

You’ll also hear from our co-founder, Danil Andreev, about upcoming enhancements in 2025, including expert-led courses and CE credits.


Laptop + VR-trening

  • Avansert nivå

PsyTechVR Telehealth-kurset er utviklet for å gi terapeuter de nødvendige ferdighetene for å sette opp og administrere VR-terapisessioner eksternt. Ved slutten av kurset vil deltakerne kunne opprette telehelsebrukerkontoer, installere de nødvendige applikasjonene og gjennomføre terapisessioner effektivt.

Dashbord: Brukerstatistikk


  • Avansert nivå

Denne veiledningen gir en omfattende oversikt over administrasjon av brukerstatistikk, legge til kommentarer og planlegging av avtaler gjennom PsyTechVR-dashbordet. Den er designet for brukere med en LaunchPad-konto som trenger å effektivt overvåke VR-terapisessioner og interaksjoner med både tilpasset og ekte VR.



Grunnleggende nivå
PsyTechVR Spørreskjemakurs gir administratorer ferdigheter for å få tilgang til, fullføre og analysere spørreskjemaer ved hjelp av PsyTechVR LMS-plattformen. Spørreskjemaer spiller en samlet rolle i terapi ved å innsikt før, under og etter økte, samt for uavhengige vurderinger.


Laptop training

Basic level

The PsyTechVR Questionnaire Course provides administrators with the skills to access, complete, and analyze questionnaires using the PsyTechVR LMS platform. Questionnaires play an integral role in therapy by providing insights before, during, and after sessions, as well as for independent assessments.


Fear and phobia training

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Scientific substantiation of the cause of fears and phobias


Fear can be triggered by various stimuli, such as spiders, aggressive individuals, dirt, crowds, or sudden loud noises.

"Overcome your fear of heights with the PsyTech VR® course:

Gain confidence and freedom by overcoming your fear of heights with our innovative and scientifically proven virtual reality course. With the help of courses developed by specialists in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and cutting-edge VR technology, you can learn to overcome your fear of heights through simulations and exercises. Access comprehensive learning paths, progress statistics and immersive training levels designed to help you progress at your own pace. Join hundreds of others who have transformed their lives with PsyTech VR and take the first step towards a life without fear of heights.

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Overcome aerophobia (fear of flying) with PsyTech VR:

This innovative and scientifically tested VR course helps users overcome aerophobia and the fear of flying using the knowledge base of CBT specialists. VR technology offers a safe and controlled environment where users can face their fears, learn effective coping strategies and develop resilience. The course provides comprehensive learning paths, immersive VR simulations, relaxation exercises and coping methods, while tracking progress with statistics. Join now and take your first step towards overcoming your fear of flying and experiencing new adventures.


(drive a car)

At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact of amaxophobia and offer a unique solution through VR exposure therapy. Our VR scenarios are designed to help users confront and overcome their fear of driving in a safe and controlled virtual environment. Using courses developed by CBT specialists, users will learn how to manage their anxiety and overcome amaxophobia through immersion in realistic and controlled VR scenarios.

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Arachnophobia (spiders)

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At PsyTech VR, we believe that virtual reality exposure therapy is a transformative tool for overcoming arachnophobia . Our course provides a safe and controlled environment for users to confront their fear of spiders and learn coping techniques to reduce anxiety with learning pathways created by CBT specialists.

Claustrophobia (closed places)

At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact this common anxiety disorder has on daily life and experiences, and we are here to help.
Harnessing the power of virtual reality exposure therapy, our course provides a safe, controlled environment in which users can confront their fears and develop practical coping strategies to reduce anxiety. With guidance from CBT specialists, users will journey through a series of VR simulations and exercises designed to help them overcome claustrophobia.

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Cynophobia (dogs)

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​At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact of cynophobia and offer a unique solution through VR exposure therapy. Our virtual environment provides a safe and controlled environment for users to confront and overcome their fear of dogs.
VR is the most immersive therapy method, allowing individuals to fully engage with their fears in a realistic and controlled setting. This leads to faster and more effective treatment outcomes.

Germophobia (bacteria)

​At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact of germophobia and offer an effective solution through VR exposure therapy. Our virtual environment provides a safe and controlled environment for users to confront and overcome their fears.
VRET is the most immersive therapy method, allowing users to fully engage with their fears in a realistic and controlled setting. This leads to faster and more effective treatment results.

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Glossophobia (public speaking)

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Unleash the power of confidence with PsyTech VR! Our groundbreaking virtual reality technology is revolutionizing the way people overcome glossophobia. Experience a VR training system in a safe and controlled environment where you can overcome your fear of public speaking and develop lasting coping mechanisms. Guided by CBT experts, you will encounter a series of VR simulations and exercises that will empower you to overcome your phobia. Say goodbye to anxiety and hello to a life filled with confidence – start your journey with PsyTech VR today!

Insectophobia (cockroaches, flies)

At PsyTech VR, we understand the devastating effects of insectophobia and have developed a unique approach to helping individuals overcome their fear using VR exposure therapy. Our virtual environment provides a controlled and safe environment to face and conquer insectophobia.

VR is the most immersive therapy method available, allowing users to fully engage with their fears in a realistic and controlled environment. With VR, the user can face their fears head-on, leading to faster and more effective treatment outcomes, and practice in safe environments.

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(dirt and unhygienic conditions)

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At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact of mysophobia and offer an effective academic solution through VR exposure therapy. Our virtual environment provides a safe and controlled environment for users to confront and overcome their fears.

VR is the most immersive therapy method, allowing users to fully engage with their fears in a realistic and controlled setting. This leads to faster and more effective treatment outcomes.



Transform your life with PsyTech VR - A Journey to Conquer Nyctophobia. Are you ready to say goodbye to fear and hello to a brighter future? Our innovative virtual reality course is designed to empower you and help you overcome nyctophobia, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.

Enter our safe and controlled virtual environment, where you will face your fear of the dark head-on and learn coping mechanisms to reduce your anxiety. Our immersive VR simulations and exercises will provide a comprehensive understanding of nyctophobia and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

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Trypanophobia (needles and syringes)

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Trypanophobia, the fear of needles and syringes, can be a debilitating condition that impacts one’s daily life and overall well-being. At PsyTech VR, we understand the impact of trypanophobia and offer an effective solution through VR exposure therapy.
Our VR scenarios are designed to help users confront and overcome their fear of needles and syringes in a safe, controlled virtual environment. With the help of our team of CBT specialists, users will learn how to manage their anxiety and overcome trypanophobia through immersion in realistic and controlled VR scenarios.

Body relaxation in VR

Travel Therapy
in VR


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Body scan relaxation is a technique that involves bringing awareness to different parts of the body, one by one, to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

As attention is directed to each part, the individual can visualize the area becoming relaxed, releasing any tension or discomfort that may be present.

Art Therapy
in VR

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With the help of PsyTech VR, you can immerse yourself in an interactive virtual art studio where you can practice art therapy in a safe and controlled environment and will not be distracted by anyone. Our VR technology allows you to experience art therapy in a completely new and exciting way, enhancing the therapeutic benefits of this practice.

At PsyTech VR, we are excited to offer you a new way to experience travel therapy – through virtual reality. Our VR technology provides a safe and controlled environment where you can travel the world and experience different cultures, all from the comfort of your own home. With our virtual reality travel therapy scenarios, you can escape to the stunning Lofoten Islands, stunning Tasmania, the tranquil beaches of Cyprus, the peaceful lakes of the Alps and many more.

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Mindfulness in VR: Body Scan

This body scan meditation course has been designed by CBT specialists specifically for those who have trouble sleeping. Practicing it in virtual reality allows you to immerse yourself in the experience for optimal results. Our virtual reality technology will help you calm your mind and focus on the present moment, making it easier for you to fall asleep.

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